Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) & Head Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury consists of physical trauma to the head that results in brain damage.
It is important for a person who may be experiencing traumatic brain injury to seek treatment as soon as possible. Though the symptoms may not be obvious at first, the longer a person waits to seek treatment, the more difficult it may be to recover from the traumatic brain injury.
- Auto accidents
- Slip-and-fall injuries
- Workplace accidents
- Assault
- Head wounds from firearms
- Sports injuries
- Rapid head movements (as in shaken baby syndrome)
Other Causes of Brain Damage
In addition to traumatic brain injury, brain damage can be caused by factors such as illness, lack of oxygen to the brain, infection, certain medications, stroke, aneurysm, and more. Depending on the severity of the brain damage, multiple areas of the brain can be affected and results can include mental handicaps, long-term disabilities, delusions, problems with speech and movement, cerebral palsy, a coma/vegetative state, or even death. Left undiagnosed or untreated, the effects of brain damage can be devastating.

Brain injuries often go undiagnosed because the symptoms may not become obvious until days or weeks after the incident.
Brain Injury Symptoms might include:
- Headache (perpetual)
- Trouble with memory
- Heightened sensitivity to light and sound
- Slow speech
- Slow thought processes
- Restlessness
- Depression or Anxiety
- Difficulty controlling emotions
- Lack of energy
- Nausea
- Lightheadedness
- Blurred vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Seizures
- Loss of coordination
The Effects of Brain Damage
The effects of brain damage can leave the patient in need of help performing normal daily activities, increase the patient’s risk of developing certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and lead to severe brain disorders. Treatments for brain injuries range from prescribed medications to neuropsychological rehabilitation, surgery, psychotherapy, and deep brain stimulation, but the effects of brain damage are often permanent.
Our Brain Injury Attorneys Can Help
The medical expenses, professional care, and pain and suffering caused by a brain injury can be extremely tough to deal with. Let our brain injury attorneys at our law office White Plains, NY, help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
$4,250,000 settlement, before trial
Our White Plains traumatic brain injury lawyers obtained a multi-million dollar settlement in a client's traumatic brain injury case.