Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

Construction Accidents That Cause Hearing Loss

Apr 15, 2022 @ 09:01 AM — by Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP
Tagged with: Construction Accidents

Construction sites are full of known hazards like heavy equipment, machinery, and elevated work platforms. One of the lesser recognized dangers of construction work is exposure to loud noises. Drills, jackhammers, and construction vehicles can bombard construction workers with excessive noise.

Construction accidents can also threaten a worker’s hearing. Many types of construction accidents cause noises that exceed that which the ears can safely handle. Individuals in the White Plains, NY, area who suffer hearing loss after a construction accident can work with the construction accident lawyers at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP, to explore their right to financial compensation for accident damages.

Prevalence of Hearing Loss Among Construction Workers

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just around half of construction workers report having been exposed to hazardous noise while on a job site. And 52 percent of those who have been exposed to hazardous noise report that they were not wearing hearing protection at the time of the exposure. Given these statistics, it is not surprising that hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ear) is not uncommon among construction workers. The CDC reports that:

Construction Accidents That Can Cause Hearing Loss

Construction workers can suffer hearing loss from continual and prolonged exposure to excessive noises. However, construction workers may also experience hearing loss following a construction accident. Hearing loss occurs when the noise or impact of an accident causes damage to the nerve endings in the inner ear. 

Construction accidents that have the potential to cause hearing loss for our White Plains clients include:

Can I Be Compensated for Hearing Loss Damages?

No matter the cause of a construction accident, workers who suffer hearing loss in a workplace accident have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim. A workers’ comp claim provides workers with compensation for injury damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, and permanent or temporary disability. Unfortunately, workers’ comp insurance does not provide compensation for pain and suffering.

Depending on the circumstances of a construction accident, workers may be able to file a lawsuit against a third-party for additional injury damages, including pain and suffering. A lawsuit may be filed if the accident was the result of defective equipment or machinery, or if negligence contributed to the accident or to accident injuries. For instance, if construction workers were not provided proper hearing protection, or if other safety regulations were ignored, a third-party may be liable. Our lawyers examine the details of a construction accident and advise our White Plains clients on their best course of legal action.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has suffered hearing loss following a construction accident, the lawyers at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP, can help you explore your right to financial compensation. To discuss the details of your accident with our legal team, send us a message online or call (914) 686-3700 and schedule a consultation.


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Suffering a personal injury on the job, in a medical facility, at home, or in public can be emotionally and physically devastating. The personal injury lawyers at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP in White Plains, New York, can handle virtually any type of personal injury claim, including construction and workplace accidentsmotor vehicle accidents, and pedestrian accidents.

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