Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

Brain Injury and Depression

Jul 1, 2020 @ 09:00 AM — by Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP
Tagged with: Brain Injury

When someone suffers from personal injury, they may experience a range of physical symptoms and complications. A traumatic brain injury is unique in that it can also impact a person’s cognitive and emotional functions. One of the most common, but lesser known, symptoms of a brain injury is depression.

The brain injury attorneys at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP understand the many ways that a traumatic brain injury can affect our White Plains, NY, clients. We work hard to hold liable parties accountable so that our clients can be justly compensated for the full extent of injury damages, including those associated with depression.

How Common Is Depression Following a Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury causes physical changes to the tissues of the brain. If the tissues that control a person’s emotions are injured, it can create chemical imbalances that may result in depression.

Even if a brain injury does not cause physical changes that lead to depression, it is likely to cause other significant changes in a person’s life, in either their physical or mental capabilities. As people react to the effects of a brain injury, they may experience depression.

Because a brain injury can have such a significant impact on so many aspects of a person’s life, depression is a common symptom of brain injury. It is estimated that about half of brain injury victims experience depression within a year following the accident, and even more (up to two-thirds) may develop depression within seven years of their brain injury.

Recognizing Signs of Depression

It is important that brain injury victims be familiar with signs of depression so that they know when to seek treatment. While the symptoms of depression can vary from one person to another, some of the most common signs of depression include:

Addressing Depression

Anyone experiencing symptoms of depression after a brain injury should seek treatment as soon as possible. Depression is a serious condition that can affect anyone, and it is not something that is likely to go away on its own. Treatment with a medical professional, preferably one with experience dealing with traumatic brain injuries, is the best way for our White Plains clients to address depression.

Depending on each person’s unique situation, treatment for depression may include:

Compensation for Brain Injury Damages

Brain injuries are most often the result of preventable accidents. If another person’s reckless or negligent actions result in a brain injury, he or she should be held liable for injury damages. Our attorneys consider physical, emotional, and financial damages when seeking compensation for our White Plains clients. We will fight for compensation for losses such as medical expenses (including the cost of medical care and/or therapy needed for depression), lost wages, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.

Schedule a Consultation

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident that resulted in a brain injury, the lawyers at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP would like to help you get the financial compensation you are due. To find out how our legal team can be of assistance, call (914) 686-3700 and schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.