Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

Halloween Injuries & Accidents

Oct 14, 2014 @ 12:28 PM — by Bill Groner
Tagged with: Personal Injury

Fall is here, and so is Halloween season.  Kids love getting dressed up for the holiday, and of course going out for “Trick-or-Treat” is a much loved annual tradition.  We all want our children to enjoy themselves and to have fun, but just like anything else, there are safety rules to keep in mind and to follow.  It’s an unfortunate fact that children get hurt on Halloween.  Call the White Plains accident attorneys at Worby Groner Edelman LLP if your child has been injured on Halloween, or at any other time or place.  Our accident attorneys have years of experience representing clients injured in all types of accidents.

Halloween Safety

Some Halloween safety rules re just a part of simple common sense.  We all know to vigorously inspect every last piece of candy that our children bring home.  Throw out anything not individually wrapped, or that might show evidence of tampering, and warn your children to not eat anything until they get home.  It’s always best to accompany children when they go out on Halloween, but if older children go out by themselves, make sure that they’re with someone – and explain the “buddy system” to your children. 

If they wait until it’s dark to go outside, bring along a flashlight so that cars can see you.  Some costumes are very dark, so it’s even more important to have a light source in those cases.  While watching out for traffic on the roads is pretty obvious – use sidewalks if they are available, and stay to the side of the road – it’s also important for children to have a light when they’re walking in order to avoid hazards which can cause a trip or slip and fall.  Leaves are invariably on the ground, and if they’re wet the leaves become even more slippery.  Fallen leaves are also on driveways, and a homeowner’s driveway or walkway can be cracked, or have dips in them that can cause a child to fall.

Halloween can be very unsettling for dogs, who will be out of their usual routine, and who can get agitated by the constant noise, and doorbell ringing.  Children should be warned to be aware if a dog is in the house.  Dogs are territorial, and instinctively defend their territory.  Just because a dog barks doesn’t meant that it is likely to be bite someone, but at the same time, no one should attempt to pet a strange dog.  Be aware that when the homeowner opens the door, the dog can bolt out.

It’s best to only go up to houses in your own neighborhood, or where you know the owner.  Tell your children to walk, and not run – they’re more likely to avoid injury if they take it slow.

Injured on Halloween?

Call the White Plains accident attorneys at Worby Groner Edelman LLP if your child has been injured on Halloween, or in any type of accident.  Our accident attorneys have handled a wide range of accident cases involving all types of hazards and causes.  We have the resources and personnel necessary to handle any type of matter involving serious injury.  We will answer your questions regarding medical bills, whether you should file a lawsuit, and take care of all the details.  Call us for a no obligation consult; there is never a fee unless we are successful.