Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

Sports Injuries in School

Oct 31, 2012 @ 03:11 PM — by Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP
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Has your child been injured in school while playing a sport?  In one case which we handled, a student ended up with a severe concussion when he ran into a wall playing basketball.  The defendant school tried to have the case dismissed.  The school employees claimed that the student assumed the risk of going into the wall because it was part of the game.  We proved that the school should have had padding on the wall since it was close to the basketball court and we also proved that other students had been injured by unintentionally running into the wall also.  The case was settled for a substantial sum of money even though there are many risks while playing sports.  If your child has been injured in a sports related activity in school, call the lawyers at Worby Groner Edelman LLP for assistance and remember, there is never a fee unless we are successful!